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30 Short Tricks For Quick Multiplication

Jese Leos
·12.5k Followers· Follow
Published in 30 Short Tricks For Quick Multiplication: Single Line Multiplication (Short Tricks In Quantitative Aptitude 1)
5 min read
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Multiplication is a fundamental mathematical operation that can be used to solve a variety of problems. While there are many different ways to multiply, some methods are more efficient than others. Here are 30 short tricks that you can use to multiply numbers quickly and easily.

1. Multiply by 10

To multiply a number by 10, simply add a zero to the end of the number. For example, to multiply 123 by 10, simply add a zero to the end of the number to get 1230.

30 Short Tricks for Quick Multiplication: Single Line Multiplication (Short Tricks in Quantitative Aptitude 1)
30 Short Tricks for Quick Multiplication: Single-Line Multiplication (Short Tricks in Quantitative Aptitude Book 1)
by Curt Lader

5 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 5607 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Print length : 9 pages
Lending : Enabled

2. Multiply by 100

To multiply a number by 100, simply add two zeros to the end of the number. For example, to multiply 123 by 100, simply add two zeros to the end of the number to get 12300.

3. Multiply by 1000

To multiply a number by 1000, simply add three zeros to the end of the number. For example, to multiply 123 by 1000, simply add three zeros to the end of the number to get 123000.

4. Multiply by 2

To multiply a number by 2, simply double the number. For example, to multiply 123 by 2, simply double the number to get 246.

5. Multiply by 4

To multiply a number by 4, simply double the number twice. For example, to multiply 123 by 4, simply double the number twice to get 492.

6. Multiply by 5

To multiply a number by 5, simply multiply the number by 10 and then divide the result by 2. For example, to multiply 123 by 5, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then divide the result by 2 to get 615.

7. Multiply by 9

To multiply a number by 9, simply multiply the number by 10 and then subtract the number from the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 9, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then subtract the number from the result to get 1107.

8. Multiply by 11

To multiply a number by 11, simply add the digits of the number together. If the sum is a single digit, then that is the result. If the sum is a double digit, then the first digit of the sum is the tens digit of the result and the second digit of the sum is the ones digit of the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 11, simply add the digits of the number together to get 6 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6). Since 6 is a single digit, then that is the result.

9. Multiply by 12

To multiply a number by 12, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 12, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add the number to the result to get 1353 (1230 + 123 = 1353).

10. Multiply by 13

To multiply a number by 13, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 13, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add the number to the result to get 1353 (1230 + 123 = 1353).

11. Multiply by 14

To multiply a number by 14, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add twice the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 14, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add twice the number to the result to get 1476 (1230 + 246 = 1476).

12. Multiply by 15

To multiply a number by 15, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add half the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 15, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add half the number to the result to get 1357.5 (1230 + 61.5 = 1357.5).

13. Multiply by 16

To multiply a number by 16, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add four times the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 16, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add four times the number to the result to get 1674 (1230 + 492 = 1674).

14. Multiply by 17

To multiply a number by 17, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add seven times the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 17, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add seven times the number to the result to get 1971 (1230 + 735 = 1971).

15. Multiply by 18

To multiply a number by 18, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add eight times the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 18, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add eight times the number to the result to get 2136 (1230 + 984 = 2136).

16. Multiply by 19

To multiply a number by 19, simply multiply the number by 10 and then add nine times the number to the result. For example, to multiply 123 by 19, simply multiply the number by 10 to get 1230 and then add nine times the number to the result to get 2317 (1230 + 1083 = 2317).

17. Multiply by 20

To multiply a number by 20, simply double the number and then add a zero to the end of the result. For example, to multiply 123 by

30 Short Tricks for Quick Multiplication: Single Line Multiplication (Short Tricks in Quantitative Aptitude 1)
30 Short Tricks for Quick Multiplication: Single-Line Multiplication (Short Tricks in Quantitative Aptitude Book 1)
by Curt Lader

5 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 5607 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Print length : 9 pages
Lending : Enabled
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30 Short Tricks for Quick Multiplication: Single Line Multiplication (Short Tricks in Quantitative Aptitude 1)
30 Short Tricks for Quick Multiplication: Single-Line Multiplication (Short Tricks in Quantitative Aptitude Book 1)
by Curt Lader

5 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 5607 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Print length : 9 pages
Lending : Enabled
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